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improving the lives of people with disabilities



How the States Stack Up: 2024 IDEA Part B Determinations

Latest data show significant increase in IDEA-eligible students in 2022

Report on the graduation rate of students with disabilities across states for 2021-2022

Special Report Series: Examining Annual Targets for key indicators in State Performance Plans

NAEP 2022: Explore our NAEP section to learn how students with disabilities did on the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Our report on Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) takes a look at this initiative 5 years after implementation as part of Rethinking Special Education initiative.

Our study finds wide variation in graduation rates for students with disabilities; little relationship with states' graduation policies. Read it here.



Latest Projects

ESSA and Students with Disabilities

Learn how the latest reauthorization of the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act - called the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) -
impacts students with disabilities.


IDEA State Complaint Resource Center

The IDEA State Complaint Resource Center is your guide to effective
state complaints, one of the dispute resolution options under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Check it out!


IDEAmoneywatch.com provides comprehensive information
on federal funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).





Resource Highlights

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Guide cover
Preparing for Special Education
Mediation and Resolution Sessions:
A Guide for Families
and Advocates

Produced in collaboration with the Children's Law Clinic at
Duke University Law School.

Get your free copy today!

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

What is NAEP and why is it important for students with disabilities? We've got it covered in this section featuring basic information and latest results.

Check it out!

Special Report Series

Examining Annual Targets for key indicators in
State Performance Plans



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The Advocacy Institute