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IDEA State Complaint Resource Center

Your guide to effective state complaints under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)


The IDEA State Complaint Resource Center provides information and resources to assist parents, advocates and attorneys in using the IDEA Written State Complaint process for advocacy. Get comprehensive information on the IDEA Written State Complaint process along with podcasts, webinars, and video presentations, data on the number of complaints filed by state, direct links to Written State Complaint procedures in each state, a bank of state complaints listed by topic, and a tool to share a complaint with us for posting.



*** Featured Complaint ***

Colorado Dept. of Education

Disability Law Colorado,
the Protection and Advocacy agency for Colorado,
filed a state complaint against Colorado Dept. of Education in September 2022 alleging
that youth under age 21 who are eligible for special education services under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and have been incarcerated in
county jails in the state of Colorado have been denied FAPE.

The investigation by the Colorado Dept. of Education, conducted by an independent investigator,
found the state violationed the IDEA and state special education law, as alleged in the complaint.

More about Sara Pielsticker and Dan Stewart

*** Complaint documents ***

(September 29, 2022) (PDF, 6 pgs)

State Investigation Report
(November 22, 2022)(PDF, 11 pgs)

(See also: OSEP DEAR COLLEAGUE LETTER on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for
Students with Disabilities in Correctional Facilities (December 5, 2014)