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Advocacy in Action > National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

NAEP 2009 Reading Assessment State-by-State Information

Grade 4 Changes in the Peformance Gap between SD (Students with Disabilities) and Non-SD Students, 2009-2007
Grade 8 Changes in the Peformance Gap between SD (Students with Disabilities) and Non-SD Students, 2009-2007

Grades 4 and 8 Percentage of Students with Disabilities Identified, Excluded and Assessed 2009

Jurisdiction  Grade 4 Grade 8
of Total of Identified of Total of Identified
Identified Excluded Assessed w/o accom w/ accom Identified Excluded Assessed w/o accom w/ accom
Nation 13% 28% 72% 23% 49% 12% 28% 72% 18% 54%
National Public 13% 29% 71% 23% 49% 13% 28% 72% 18% 54%
Alabama 10% 15% 85% 55% 30% 10% 14% 86% 62% 23%
Alaska 17% 17% 83% 17% 66% 13% 14% 86% 9% 77%
Arizona 13% 23% 77% 38% 39% 12% 22% 78% 19% 59%
Arkansas 12% 9% 91% 24% 67% 12% 13% 87% 16% 72%
California 10% 27% 73% 28% 45% 9% 19% 81% 32% 49%
Colorado 11% 24% 76% 14% 62% 11% 23% 77% 14% 62%
Connecticut 13% 24% 76% 9% 67% 13% 17% 83% 18% 65%
Delaware 15% 49% 51% 13% 38% 15% 27% 73% 7% 65%
Dist of Columbia 14% 68% 32% 9% 23% 17% 68% 32% 7% 25%
Florida 17% 17% 83% 21% 62% 15% 18% 82% 8% 73%
Georgia 10% 36% 64% 24% 39% 11% 33% 67% 18% 49%
Hawaii 10% 13% 87% 14% 74% 12% 12% 88% 21% 66%
Idaho 10% 26% 74% 32% 42% 9% 22% 78% 21% 57%
Illinois 15% 18% 82% 24% 58% 14% 22% 78% 13% 65%
Indiana 16% 27% 73% 32% 40% 14% 36% 64% 14% 49%
Iowa 14% 28% 72% 14% 58% 14% 28% 72% 12% 60%
Kansas 14% 33% 67% 19% 49% 12% 37% 63% 14% 50%
Kentucky 15% 48% 52% 30% 23% 12% 55% 45% 13% 32%
Louisiana 20% 10% 90% 17% 73% 15% 12% 88% 12% 76%
Maine 18% 23% 77% 14% 62% 17% 19% 81% 17% 63%
Maryland 14% 63% 37% 12% 25% 12% 59% 41% 10% 32%
Massachusetts 19% 25% 75% 14% 61% 19% 24% 76% 14% 62%
Michigan 14% 28% 72% 25% 47% 13% 29% 71% 13% 57%
Minnesota 14% 15% 85% 36% 48% 12% 23% 77% 17% 61%
Mississippi 10% 15% 85% 37% 48% 10% 17% 83% 19% 64%
Missouri 14% 24% 76% 26% 50% 13% 25% 75% 19% 56%
Montana 12% 30% 70% 22% 48% 12% 30% 70% 17% 52%
Nebraska 18% 23% 77% 36% 41% 14% 38% 62% 17% 45%
Nevada 12% 26% 74% 29% 45% 11% 19% 81% 23% 58%
New Hampshire 18% 18% 82% 13% 69% 21% 17% 83% 25% 58%
New Jersey 16% 47% 53% 10% 42% 16% 33% 67% 7% 60%
New Mexico 13% 36% 64% 22% 42% 13% 36% 64% 25% 39%
New York 16% 24% 76% 7% 69% 16% 34% 66% 5% 61%
North Carolina 15% 14% 86% 21% 64% 12% 14% 86% 8% 78%
North Dakota 16% 44% 56% 28% 28% 15% 55% 45% 20% 25%
Ohio 14% 44% 56% 11% 45% 15% 45% 55% 10% 45%
Oklahoma 15% 45% 55% 19% 36% 15% 30% 70% 19% 51%
Oregon 16% 20% 80% 30% 50% 13% 19% 81% 35% 47%
Pennsylvania 15% 19% 81% 22% 59% 17% 17% 83% 16% 67%
Rhode Island 17% 17% 83% 16% 67% 18% 12% 88% 21% 66%
South Carolina 14% 31% 69% 36% 33% 14% 42% 58% 27% 31%
South Dakota 15% 41% 59% 41% 19% 10% 41% 59% 24% 36%
Tennessee 14% 62% 38% 22% 16% 11% 60% 40% 18% 22%
Texas 10% 49% 51% 23% 29% 12% 39% 61% 28% 33%
Utah 12% 42% 58% 30% 28% 10% 40% 60% 19% 40%
Vermont 19% 17% 83% 16% 67% 20% 16% 84% 29% 55%
Virginia 14% 27% 73% 25% 48% 14% 24% 76% 21% 55%
Washington 12% 24% 76% 36% 40% 11% 22% 78% 20% 58%
West Virginia 17% 13% 87% 48% 40% 15% 14% 86% 39% 47%
Wisconsin 15% 24% 76% 19% 57% 14% 28% 72% 13% 59%
Wyoming 16% 11% 89% 23% 66% 14% 20% 80% 15% 65%
DoDEA 12% 35% 65% 27% 38% 9% 28% 72% 12% 61%


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