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State-by-State Information on Filing
IDEA State Administrative Complaints

All states are required to have complaint procedures in place. States must also develop model forms to assist parents and other parties in filing state complaints. States may not require the use of these model forms, but complaints must contain the content required in 34 CFR §300.153.

Use the links below to locate information on IDEA state complaint procedures available on state educational agency websites (links are valid as of June 2024).

Alabama* Hawaii* Michigan* North Carolina Texas
Alaska* Idaho Minnesota* North Dakota Utah*
Arizona Illinois* Mississippi* Ohio* Vermont*
Arkansas* Indiana Missouri* Oklahoma* Virginia
California Iowa* Montana* Oregon* Washington
Colorado Kansas Nebraska* Pennsylvania* West Virginia*
Connecticut* Kentucky Nevada* Puerto Rico Wisconsin
Delaware Louisiana New Hampshire* Rhode Island Wyoming*
District of Columbia* Maine* New Jersey* South Carolina*  
Florida Maryland* New Mexico South Dakota  
Georgia Massachusetts* New York Tennessee*  

Asterisked (*) states (29) are not providing adequate, accessible information on IDEA state administrative complaints and a model complaint form as required by IDEA Federal Regulations. The issues identified in each of these 29 states are detailed in this report (PDF, 9 pgs)

Providing information and model forms exclusively in PDF is not an acceptable method as such documents may not be accessible to all. Model complaint forms should be provided in WORD and fillable PDFs in English and in the state's most prominent other language(s). An online form, such as this one provided by Arizona, is another helpful format.

Please note: Links change frequently. Help us keep up to date by reporting broken/incorrect links! Thank you.